My Book

Sneak Peek of the New Book

From Hopeless and Helpless to Wonder Woman

A Guide for Nonprofit Executive Directors, Leading Women Out of Powerlessness into Independence.

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Independent Women


My road from a Powerless Female to an Independent Woman or Wonder Woman happened very gradually, with many fits and starts over many years - about 50, in fact. But like many others, I have learned from the best and plodded along, making changes as I saw them. We are ALL unique in our own way.

This book is primarily directed at Executive Directors of direct-service nonprofits that serve women. My experience has shown me that these capable and creative women are Wonder Women just because they have gotten the job leading this program or even created it. In any case, they have taken their passion and displayed it for the world to see. They found a way to succeed despite obstacles like kids, possibly a disbelieving husband, and a lack of resources. They tackle immensely complicated and numerous roles and face burnout regularly, but they press on because THEY CARE TREMENDOUSLY!

There are a zillion books out that help them capacity build their organizations in the many ways it takes to survive and thrive. And there are just as many self-help books, a slew of which I have read over the years that have greatly augmented my journey toward a healthy life. But I am endeavoring to put these two together, the self-help into a field that I not only know but am acutely aware needs more of this kind of support.  So, this book intends to provide at least a rudimentary process to get these skills under their belts.

These steps I call “steps to independence” because with these mastered, women can make the journey to the world of freedom that comes from knowing their true worth and power:

  • Step one – Acknowledging one’s limits!
  • Step two – Seeing your choices!
  • Step three – Owning your abilities!
  • Step four – Letting your passions guide you!
  • Step five – Build on your success!
  • Step six – Recognizing your Wonder Woman status!
  • Step seven- Pass it On!

This book is mostly about the “inner work” it takes to climb the ladder from Helpless and Hopeless to Wonder Woman.